The ideal ear is one that is not noticed. There are numerous reasons why someone might be thinking about having ear surgery (otoplasty).
Ear Plastic Surgery Otoplasty in Dallas, TX
Frequently the goal is to make the ears less prominent or bring them closer to the head so they don’t stick out too far. This surgery is sometimes referred to as ear pinning. Otoplasty can be a powerful tool to change the size of the ears, create more natural contours and folds of the ears or establish better symmetry between the two. One of the challenges of otoplasty is taking two ears that start out markedly different and making them match. It is imperative to have a detailed plan before surgery to ensure the best chance of a natural, long lasting, symmetric result.
the scoop
Dr. Deniz Basci has specialized training and expertise in ear aesthetics. After discussing your individual concerns and examining your ear morphology, Dr. Basci will design a custom treatment plan for one or both ears based on your needs. Attention grabbing ears are a common source of insecurity or low self esteem in children and adults. This may cause significant distress and lead to preoccupation with hiding ones ears under long hair or hats. Correcting the proportion of the ears to the head and balancing the ears with other facial features can quickly restore a person’s confidence.
Dr. Deniz Basci has specialized training and expertise in ear aesthetics. After discussing your individual concerns and examining your ear morphology, Dr. Basci will design a custom treatment plan for one or both ears based on your needs. Attention grabbing ears are a common source of insecurity or low self esteem in children and adults. This may cause significant distress and lead to preoccupation with hiding ones ears under long hair or hats. Correcting the proportion of the ears to the head and balancing the ears with other facial features can quickly restore a person’s confidence.
The hallmark of a prominent ear is too much cartilage in the conchal bowl, pushing the ear forward and away from the head or loss of normal folds of the ear or a combination of both. These two irregularities result in an ear that appears larger, flared, and projecting farther out from the face than the unaffected ear. Most patients have prominent ears on both sides, although the degree of protrusion may vary from one ear to the other.
Fast Facts:
- Before Surgery: 1 hour consultation with Dr. Deniz Basci with 3D medical studio photography to customize your treatment plan and answer all your questions followed by a pre-operative visit the week before you scheduled procedure
- Surgery: 1-2 hours per ear depending on your individually tailored operation
- Anesthesia: General Anesthesia performed by a licensed physician
- After Surgery: Go home the same day to begin recovery
- Recovery:
- 1 week of moderate pain and discomfort before being able to return to work and light aerobic exercise; expect temporary bruising, moderate swelling, and areas of numbness and tingling
- 3 months of sensitive ears before being able to resume heavy lifting and intense activities; expect gradual improvement in swelling and areas of numbness and tingling
- 12 months before the “final result” incisions are fully mature and swelling is completely resolved, time for any minor revisions or touch ups
Otoplasty Techniques:
Each ear is unique and presents a distinct set of irregularities that must be individually identified and addressed during surgery. Dr Deniz Basci has advanced training and expertise in cosmetic ear surgery and will design a customized operative plan based on your specific ear morphology.
An incision is usually made behind the ear in the groove, and the skin is elevated to reveal the underlying cartilage framework. Specialized suture techniques are used to bend the cartilage and hold it in a more desirable configuration. Excess cartilage is trimmed and the ear is repositioned in towards the head.
Dr. Basci uses meticulous tension free suturing techniques to help incisions heal in the best way your body produces scar. Patient typically go home the same day unless other procedures are simultaneously being performed that recommend an overnight stay.
Preparing for Surgery
Prior to any surgery Dr Basci will review your general health history, surgical history and current medications. You will need to stop taking any medications or supplements that increase the risk of bleeding 2 weeks before surgery and remain off of them for 2 weeks following surgery. Make sure to check with your primary prescribing physician before stopping any medications.
It is important to prime your body with a healthy balanced diet in the months leading up to surgery. Make sure you have the appropriate protein intake. Protein is vital for healing. You may need to supplement your diet with protein shakes or bars for 3-6 weeks after surgery as your body works overtime to heal the surgical site.
Recovery from Ear Surgery
Just as every individual procedure is distinct, so is everyone’s recovery experience. Most patients will go home the same day as their procedure. You should expect moderate bruising and swelling of the ears that may extend down the side of your neck. The swelling typically peaks on post-operative day 3 and then gradually begins to resolve. A protective surgical dressing will remain in place the first week to help minimize swelling and maintain approprioate ear positioning.
You may shower after your surgical dressing is removed. Avoid sleeping directly on the ear or applying pressure. This is to avoid inadvertently causing pain or disrupting your surgical site before it has healed.
Any non-dissolving sutures will be removed in the office at your first a post-operative visit. You will need to apply a thin layer of ointment to your incisions once a day until they are fully healed and protect the incisions from sun exposure. Talk to Dr. Basci about when it is safe to begin silicone scar treatment.
You should supplement your regular balanced diet with protein shakes or bars for 3-6 weeks after surgery to help improve healing. This is not the time for diets or nutritional restriction. Your body needs vital amino acids and building blocks for healing.
Dr. Basci recommends you sleep with your head propped up on several pillows or semi-upright in a recliner for the first 1-2 weeks after surgery to minimize swelling. You should expect to be moderately swollen during the first two weeks. This will gradually improve along with any bruising, numbness and tingling. It typically takes 6-12 months for the swelling to fully resolve and at least 12 months for the incision scars to fully mature.
You will need to begin gently walking several times a day the evening of your surgery. This is to promote circulation and prevent blood clots. If you have a personal or family history of blood clots or other bleeding disorders be sure to speak with Dr. Basci.
After two weeks, you may begin light cardio activity but be sure to avoid heavy lifting, yoga, pilates and any other intense exercise for 4 weeks. Typically Dr Basci allows brow lift patients to resume full activities 6 weeks after surgery.
*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.